A Forest at the End of the World


The play “Forest at the End of the World” is the author project of Nedžad Maksumić, an Actor and Theater Director in the Puppet Theater Mostar. It is a play about a magical country at the end of the world, where all the miracles and surprises are possible. The performance is interactive, and the children in the audience are motivated to cooperate; they are provided with an illusion that they influence the course of the action and the outcome of the performance.
The characters in the play represent virtues and shortcomings; the issues that are raised are universal. We’re talking about those questions which children always ask expecting a simple answer, but which adults don’t know how to answer, such as: What is life?, Is tree in pain when it is being cut?, Do animals have friends?, Can a human go back in the past? Is time going to run forever?
The play strongly advocates for the preservation of nature and the balance between humans and environment. The ecological awareness shows to children that nature around them is their best friend and that they are obliged to live in accordance and harmony with nature. The performance also motivates children to seek answers to questions about the existence of good and evil in every human being. All the characters in the play search for a magical forest at the end of the world only to realize at the end of the road that this magical forest is the same one from which they set out on the road. The play also suggests that every place in the world is unusual, magical and uniquely beautiful. However, it depends on people whether they can recognize the beauty of the region they live in.
The whole performance is, in fact, a search for happiness which is always thought to be somewhere else, and only the wisest know that happiness is everywhere around us – if we do our best!


Author and Director: Nedžad Maksumić
Scenography and Puppets: Vladimir Mićković
Puppet and Stage Set Construction: Mirsad Bijedić
Costume Design: Orhan Imami
Tailor: Azera Škoro
Poster Design: Jaime Olabarri „Miki“
Music: Atilla Aksoj
Stagehand: Amer Ćatić
Assistance in Decoration and Prop Construction: Kasim Prguda


Gorjan / Hillboy – Igor Vidačković
Vjetran / Windy, the Forest Ghost – Serđo Radoš
Kora, the Forest Fairy and Queen of Modern Time – Diana Ondelj – Maksumić
Sunčana / Sunny, the Forest Fairy – Nermina Denjo
Srebren / Silver, the Forest Elf and the King of Forgetfulness – Nedžad Maksumić
Messengers of Gorjan / Hillboy’s Dark Side and
Army of Small People

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October 28, 2011

