The Boy Who Dreamed of the Sea
23rd International Puppet Festival “Golden Spark”, Kragujevac – A special award for the original story is given to Selma Parisi for the play “The Boy Who Dreamed of the Sea” by the Puppet Theater in Mostar.
Fairy Tale of Lost Time
22nd International Puppet Festival “Golden Spark”, Kragujevac: The award for the creation of puppets is given to Alena Pavlović for the creation of puppets in the play “Fairy Tale of Lost Time” directed by Tamara Kučinović and performed by the Puppet Theater from Mostar.
On Tenderness
– 19th International Children’s Theater Festival, Banja Luka: Award for collective animation in the play “On Tenderness” to actors Igor Vidačković, Nina Popović and Alija Kamer Aksoy.
On Tenderness
21st International Festival of Professional Puppet Theaters for Children – LUTFEST: – Award for the best animation for the role in the play “On Tenderness”, based on the idea and directed by Ines Pasic, went to Igor Vidackovic – Award for collective animation of puppets and acting ensemble of the play – Award “Poetics of puppet expression – Vojislav Vujanović”
On Tenderness
– 24. Meetings of the Puppet Theater / Theater of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bugojno. Award for the best director Ines Pašić and Award for collective artistic achievement.
Fairy Tale of Lost Time
– 5th International Festival of Educational Theater – IFET 2019. According to the decision of the Audience Jury, the “Board that means life” award for the best play of the 5th IFET was given to the play “Fairy Tale of Lost Time” produced by the Mostar Puppet Theater.
Fairy Tale of Lost Time
– 18th International Children’s Theater Festival Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Award for the best actor to Igor Vidackovic (for the main role) and a special award for the complete author’s work of Tamara Kucinovic.
Fairy Tale of Lost Time
– XX međunarodni festval profesionalnih lutkarskih pozorišta – LUT FEST, Istočno Sarajevo: Grand Prix “Zlatna anima” za najbolju predstavu Festivala, Nagradu za najbolje glumačko ostvarenje dobio je Igor Vidačković, Nagradu za najbolju režiju Tamara Kučinović, Nagrada “Magija lutkarstva” – Radoslav Lazić predstavi “Bajka o izgubljenom vremenu” Pozorišta lutaka Mostar.
Fairy Tale of Lost Time
– 5th International Children’s Art Festival Sarajevo (FEDU): Award for the best text or adaptation by TAMARA KUČINOVIĆ for dramatization “Fairy Tale of Lost Time” performed by the Mostar Puppet Theater, BiH Award for Best Actress FATIMI KAZAZIĆ for the role in the play “Fairy Tale of Lost Time” Mostar Puppet Theater.
Full Steam Ahead!
– 23rd Puppet Theater Meetings in Bugojno: Award for Best Scenography to Iva Gikova and Ivayla Nikolova. The award for the best adaptation of the text is given to Nedžad Maksumić for the play “Full Sails”.
Full Steam Ahead!
– 4th International Children’s Art Festival Sarajevo (FEDU): Award for Best Director to Elica Petkova
Prince on My Street
– 18th International Festival of Pupper Theaters “Lut Fest” in East Sarajevo in 2017: 1. Special Award to Nedžad Maksumić for completely designing the project for author’s performace “Prince on My Street” 2. Animation Award to Igor Vidačković for the role of Prince.
Prince on My Street
– 3rd Festival of Children’s Art FEDU, Sarajevo: Award for Best Director to Nedžad Maksumić.
The Beauty and the Beast
– 17th International Festival of Children’s Puppet Theaters “Lut Fest”, East Sarajevo in 2016: Award for Best Puppets to Stefka Kjuvlijeva
The Beauty and the Beast
– 22nd Meetup of Puppet Theaters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bugojno 2016: 1. Award for Best Actress to Nermina Denjo for the role of Belle 2. Award for the Most Beautiful Puppets of the Festival to Stefka Kjuvlijeva 3. Children’s Jury Award for Best Play of the Festival
Heart of Ice
– 16th International Festival of Children’s Puppet Theaters “Lut Fest”, East Sarajevo 2015: Award for the Most Puppetlike Play of the Festival. Award for the Best Scenography to Stefka Kjuvlijeva. Grand Prix for the Best Play of the Festival awarded by the Children’s Jury.
Heart of Ice
– 4th International Festival of Puppetry, Podgorica 2015: Award to the Acting Ensemble of the Play for Acting Mastership. Award for the Best Aesthetic and Technological Solution of Puppets to Stefka Kjuvlijeva.
Heart of Ice
– 17th International Festival of Children’s Theaters “Golden Spark”, Kragujevac 2015: Award for Best Actor to Igor Vidačković for the role of Petar Munk. 3rd Prize of the Expert Jury for the play.
Heart of Ice
– 8th Puppet Biennial, Bugojno 2015: Award for Partner Animation to Diana Ondelj-Maksumić and Nermina Denjo for the animation of King of Dance
Heart of Ice
– 21st Meetup of Puppet Theaters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bugojno 2014: Award for the Best Puppets to Stefka Kjuvlijeva. Award for the Best Scenography to Stefka Kjuvlijeva. Award for the Best Play of the Festival awarded by the Children’s Jury.
Ugly Duckling
– 24th International Festival “Summer Puppet Pier”, Maribor 2013: Award “25 Golden Stars” for the Best Play of the Festival awarded by the Children’s Jury
– 12th International Festival of Children’s Puppet Theaters “Lut Fest”, East Sarajevo 2011: 1. Award for the Best Ensemble Play 2. Award for the Best Costume Design to Eva Farkašova
– 13th International Festival of Children’s Theaters “Golden Spark”, Kragujevac 2011: Grand Prix for the Best Play of the Festival awarded by the Expert Jury.
– 19th Meetup of the Puppet Theaters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bugojno 2011: Award for the Best Play awarded by Children’s Jury
The Tinder Box
– 11th International Festival of Children’s Puppet Theaters “Lut Fest”, East Sarajevo 2010: Grand Prix for the Best Play of the Festival awarded by the Expert Jury. Award for the Bets Director to Slavčo Malenov. Award for the Best Scenography to Vasil Rokomanov.
I Want to Be Normal
– 18th Meetup of Puppet Theaters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bugojno 2010: Special Recognition for the Partner Play to Diana Ondelj-Maksumić and Nermina Denjo for the animation of the puppet Women
I Want to Be Normal
– 8th International Festival “Pozorište Zvezdarište” Belgrade 2010: Special Award for the Integrity of Theatrical Expression in Puppet Art
I Want To Be Normal
– 10th International Festival of Children’s Puppet Theaters “Lut Fest”, East Sarajevo 2009: 1. Award for the Best Actor to Nedžad Maksumić for the role of a bat Rudolf 2. Award for the Best Scenography to Emelijana Toteva 3. Award for the Best Scenic Solution for Puppets to Emelijana Toteva
I Want to Be Normal
– 8th International Festival of Children’s Theaters, Banja Luka 2009: 1. Award for the Best Actor to Nedžad Maksumić for the role of a bat Rudolf
The Tinder Box
– 17th Meetup of Theaters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bugojno 2009: Award for the Best Actor to Igor Vidačković for the role of Soldier Award for the Best Actress to Diana Ondelj-Maksumić for the role of the Old Witch, Innkeeper and Queen. Award for the Best Play awarded by the Children’s Jury. Award for the Best Scenography to Vasil Rokomanov.
The Hedgehog’s Home
– 9th International Festival of Children’s Puppet Theaters “Lut Fest”, East Sarajevo 2008: 1. Award for the Best Actor to Sergio Radoš for the role of Hedgy the Hedgehog 2. Award for the Best Scenography to Dejan Kljun
The Robber’s Story
– 8th International Festival of Children’s Puppet Theaters, East Sarajevo 2007: Award for the Best Scenography to Silva Bačvarova and Vasil Rokomanov
Little Muck
– 7th International Puppet Festival “Golden Spark”, Kragujevac 2005: Award for the Best Design and Creation of Puppets awarded to Vasil Rokomanov and Silva Bačvarova
The Puss in Jeans
– 8th International Festival of Children’s Theaters, Subotica 2001: Award for the Best Actress to Diana Ondelj-Maksumić for the role of the Puss.