
Rules and Regulations

The Puppet Art Festival in Mostar is organized by the Puppet Theater of Mostar.

The Director of the Puppet Theater of Mostar is the Director of the Puppet Art Festival in Mostar. The Festival Director makes the final decisions on all issues related to the Festival, except the decisions on the Festival awards.

The artistic leadership of the Festival is entrusted to the Artistic Council of the Puppet Art Festival in Mostar, which consists of the Artistic Director of the Puppet Theater of Mostar, two members of the Puppet Theater of Mostar Art Ensemble and two other associated, external members of the Council.

The complete technical management of the Festival is done by the Puppet Theater of Mostar. The Puppet Theater of Mostar also hires external associates as needed. The Puppet Theater of Mostar takes care of the media representation of the Festival, its visual identity, marketing tasks, as well as the search for sponsors and donors of the Festival and media sponsors of the Festival.

The Puppetry Festival is traditional and takes place every year in the second half of the month of September.

The duties of the Festival Selector are entrusted to the Artistic Director of the Puppet Theater of Mostar. His selection of puppet shows participating in the Festival is approved by other members of the Artistic Council. Their joint Decision in a written form needs to be finally approved by the Director of the Puppet Theater of Mostar and announced within the final version of the Program of the Puppet Art Festival in Mostar.

The basic criterion for the selection of puppet shows in the Official (Competition) Program of the Puppet Art Festival in Mostar is their artistic quality. The quality of the performances is judged by the Festival Selector and the Artistic Council. Performances of the Puppet Theater of Mostar cannot participate in the Official (Competition) Program of the Festival.
The results of the selection will be announced on the website of the Puppet Theater of Mostar, not later than one month before the beginning of the Festival. Individual notifications will be sent only to those participants whose play is selected as a part of the Official (Competition) Program of the Puppet Art Festival in Mostar.

Accompanying Program is organized in addition to the Official (Competition) Program of the Puppet Art Festival in Mostar. The Accompanying Program will offer performances for children and adults, street theater performances, variety of programs, thematic exhibitions, concerts, book presentations, puppetry workshops, acting workshops and similar events. The content and scope of the Accompanying Program is decided by the Festival Director in cooperation with the Artistic Council of the Festival.

Performances in the Official (Competition) Pogram are played mainly in the Puppet Theater of Mostar (Braće Ćišića 15), or to be more exact, on either of its two stages – the Main Stage and the Small Stage “Karel Čapek”. According to the needs of certain guest performances and based on the decisions made by Festival Management, some performances may be performed in other professional theater venues in Mostar. The Festival Director makes the final decision on this matter, on the basis of an agreement with the guest puppet artists and professional theater houses in Mostar.

The symbol of the Festival is an artistically stylized display of a firefly, a flying insect glowing in the dark. The design and production of the Festival’s Trademark will be offered (for a fee) to prominent BiH artists and designers. The approval of the final version(s) of the trademark and its production is given by the Festival Director in cooperation with the Artistic Council of the Festival. The sculpted firefly and a certificate will be awarded, as a Grand Prix award, to the best performance of the Festival.

Puppet Art Festival in Mostar is an international festival and it is open to all professional and non-institutional puppet theaters and puppet troupes. In addition to the completed application form sent by electronic mail or via post, all applicants for the Official (Competition) Program are required to submit the following:
1. Complete video recording of the play
2. 5 photos of the play (13×18 cm, 300 dpi / 2000px)
3. Short content of the play (up to 900 characters)
4. Full names of members of the creative and technical team
5. Short text about theater / troupe or biography (up to 900 characters)
6. Theater / troupe logo

Without these elements, the application will not be considered as complete and/or valid. These pieces of information are needed for the selection and production of the Festival catalog. The submitted materials will not be returned.

The Puppet Art Festival in Mostar awards the following awards:
1. Golden Firefly Grand Prix for Best Performance
2. Best Director Award
3. Best Scenes and Puppets Award
4. Best Original Music Award
5. Best Actor Awards (4 equal prizes)

The rewards are not monetary. The awards are decided by a three-member or five-member jury, which consists of established theater artists and theatrologists. The decision on the jury members is made by the Festival Director in cooperation with the Artistic Council.

The Organizer is obliged to provide appropriate stage and technical conditions for the performances. The Organizer of the Festival also bears the costs of local transport, provides suitable accommodation and food for the participants of the Festival. Any additional obligations of the Organizer will be determined individually in agreement with the Festival guests.

Puppet Theater of Mostar / Pozorište lutaka u Mostaru
Address: Braće Ćišića 15
88000 Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: (+387) 36 552 625
Website: www.plm.ba
E-mail: info@plm.ba